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Produkt zum Begriff Ethics:

  • Business Ethics
    Business Ethics

    For courses in Business Ethics, Moral Issues in Business, Social Issues in Business, Business and Society, International Business Ethics, and Issues in International Business. This systematic, integrated investigation of the field of business ethics is presented from an informed philosophical point of view. It argues that ethics is the glue as well as the oil that makes business possible, addressing the full gamut of issues: from such macro considerations as the moral justification of economic systems to such micro issues as proper computer use by employees. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Business Ethics and Values
    Business Ethics and Values

    How do corporate social responsibilities, and good or bad corporate practice, impact on business success in a global economy? Are individuals responsible for the ethical outcomes of companies’ actions, or are companies themselves responsible? How do you determine what course of action has the best ethical outcome for any given business situation? Fisher, Lovell and Valero-Silva offer the reader a comprehensive introduction to the ideas and complexities of the subject of ethics in the contemporary business world whilst making it relevant to today’s business students through the inclusion of frequent interesting examples and activities that put the reader in a position where ethical questions must be considered and debated.  This 4th edition has been comprehensively updated and offers more chances for illustration and discussion of ethics in the messy day to day practicalities of modern business through a wide range of case studies, examples and exercises. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Lindsay, Geoff: Ethics for European Psychologists
    Lindsay, Geoff: Ethics for European Psychologists

    Ethics for European Psychologists , The understanding of and adherence to professional ethics is fundamental in navigating the moral encounters and dilemmas that all psychologists face in their daily work, whether in research or professional practice. Core values and principles remain stable. However, as more complex and conflicting societal contexts come into play, the individual psychologist and the professional community need support in upholding a solid moral integrity. The volume is a welcome resource for any psychologist or student wanting to foresee, prevent, and professionally manage, in an ethically responsible way, the moral challenges that arise. The framework for this timely, second edition remains the Meta-code of Ethics of the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA), which is an important asset in addressing the challenges faced by the profession now and in the coming years. The discussions of the principles on the meta-code are further developed and the authors have extended the number and types of practical examples to vividly illustrate ethical challenges and dilemmas faced. Read, discuss, and evaluate your practice. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen

    Preis: 35.81 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Clean Craftsmanship: Disciplines, Standards, and Ethics
    Clean Craftsmanship: Disciplines, Standards, and Ethics

    How to Write Code You're Proud of . . . Every Single Day". . . [A] timely and humble reminder of the ever-increasing complexity of our programmatic world and how we owe it to the legacy of humankind--and to ourselves--to practice ethical development. Take your time reading Clean Craftsmanship. . . . Keep this book on your go-to bookshelf. Let this book be your old friend--your Uncle Bob, your guide--as you make your way through this world with curiosity and courage."--From the Foreword by Stacia Heimgartner Viscardi, CST & Agile MentorIn Clean Craftsmanship, the legendary Robert C. Martin ("Uncle Bob") has written the principles that define the profession--and the craft--of software development. Uncle Bob brings together the disciplines, standards, and ethics you need to deliver robust, effective code and to be proud of all the software you write.Robert Martin, the best-selling author of Clean Code, provides a pragmatic, technical, and prescriptive guide to the foundational disciplines of software craftsmanship. He discusses standards, showing how the world's expectations of developers often differ from their own and helping you bring the two in sync. Bob concludes with the ethics of the programming profession, describing the fundamental promises all developers should make to their colleagues, their users, and, above all, themselves.With Uncle Bob's insights, all programmers and their managers can consistently deliver code that builds trust instead of undermining it--trust among users and throughout societies that depend on software for their survival.Moving towards the "north star" of true software craftsmanship: the state of knowing how to program wellPractical, specific guidance for applying five core disciplines: test-driven development, refactoring, simple design,collaborative programming, and acceptance testsHow developers and teams can promote productivity, quality, and courageThe true meaning of integrity and teamwork among programmers, and ten specific commitments every software professional should makeRegister your book for convenient access to the book's companion videos, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.

    Preis: 28.88 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was sind typische Anwendungsbeispiele für Platzhalter in der Programmierung und im Webdesign?

    Typische Anwendungsbeispiele für Platzhalter in der Programmierung sind das Ersetzen von Variablen in Texten oder das Reservieren von Speicherplatz für Daten. Im Webdesign werden Platzhalter oft verwendet, um vorläufige Inhalte oder Bilder anzuzeigen, bis die endgültigen Inhalte eingefügt werden. Sie können auch genutzt werden, um das Layout einer Webseite zu planen, bevor der endgültige Inhalt feststeht.

  • Was sind die wichtigsten Merkmale einer Primärseite in Bezug auf Webdesign, SEO und Benutzererfahrung?

    Eine Primärseite sollte ein ansprechendes und benutzerfreundliches Design haben, das die Aufmerksamkeit der Besucher auf sich zieht und sie zum Verweilen einlädt. In Bezug auf SEO ist es wichtig, dass die Primärseite relevante Keywords und Meta-Tags enthält, um eine gute Platzierung in den Suchmaschinenergebnissen zu erreichen. Außerdem sollte die Primärseite eine klare Navigationsstruktur haben, um den Besuchern das Auffinden von Informationen zu erleichtern und ihre Benutzererfahrung zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus sollte die Primärseite schnell laden, mobilfreundlich sein und über hochwertige Inhalte verfügen, um die Interaktion der Besucher zu fördern und ihre Zufriedenheit zu steigern.

  • Was ist eine E Commerce Website?

    Eine E-Commerce-Website ist eine Online-Plattform, auf der Unternehmen ihre Produkte oder Dienstleistungen verkaufen können. Kunden können auf dieser Website Produkte auswählen, in den Warenkorb legen und dann online bezahlen. E-Commerce-Websites ermöglichen es Unternehmen, ihre Reichweite zu vergrößern und rund um die Uhr Verkäufe zu tätigen. Sie bieten auch eine bequeme Möglichkeit für Verbraucher, Produkte von überall und zu jeder Zeit zu kaufen. Diese Websites sind oft benutzerfreundlich gestaltet und bieten eine Vielzahl von Zahlungsmöglichkeiten für die Kunden.

  • Wie beeinflusst die Sprachauswahl die Benutzererfahrung und die Interaktion mit digitalen Produkten und Dienstleistungen in den Bereichen Webdesign, Software-Entwicklung und E-Commerce?

    Die Sprachauswahl hat einen direkten Einfluss auf die Benutzererfahrung, da sie die Kommunikation zwischen dem Benutzer und dem digitalen Produkt oder der Dienstleistung beeinflusst. Eine klare und verständliche Sprache kann die Benutzerfreundlichkeit verbessern und die Interaktion erleichtern. In den Bereichen Webdesign, Software-Entwicklung und E-Commerce ist es wichtig, die Sprachbedürfnisse der Zielgruppe zu berücksichtigen, um eine effektive Kommunikation zu gewährleisten und die Conversion-Rate zu steigern. Die Auswahl der richtigen Sprache kann auch das Markenimage und die Glaubwürdigkeit des Unternehmens beeinflussen.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Ethics:

  • Ethics for the Information Age, Global Edition
    Ethics for the Information Age, Global Edition

    In an era where information technology changes constantly, a thoughtful response to these rapid changes requires a basic understanding of IT history, an awareness of current issues, and a familiarity with ethics. Ethics for the Information Age is unique in its balanced coverage of ethical theories used to analyse problems encountered by computer professionals in today’s environment. By presenting provocative issues such as social networking, government surveillance, and intellectual property from all points of view, this market-leading text challenges students to think critically and draw their own conclusions, which ultimately prepares them to become responsible, ethical users of future technologies.   The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Beyond the Algorithm: AI, Security, Privacy, and Ethics
    Beyond the Algorithm: AI, Security, Privacy, and Ethics

    As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more and more woven into our everyday livesand underpins so much of the infrastructure we rely onthe ethical, security, and privacy implications require a critical approach that draws not simply on the programming and algorithmic foundations of the technology.   Bringing together legal studies, philosophy, cybersecurity, and academic literature, Beyond the Algorithm examines these complex issues with a comprehensive, easy-to-understand analysis and overview. The book explores the ethical challenges that professionalsand, increasingly, usersare encountering as AI becomes not just a promise of the future, but a powerful tool of the present.   An overview of the history and development of AI, from the earliest pioneers in machine learning to current applications and how it might shape the future Introduction to AI models and implementations, as well as examples of emerging AI trends Examination of vulnerabilities, including insight into potential real-world threats, and best practices for ensuring a safe AI deployment Discussion of how to balance accountability, privacy, and ethics with regulatory and legislative concerns with advancing AI technology A critical perspective on regulatory obligations, and repercussions, of AI with copyright protection, patent rights, and other intellectual property dilemmas An academic resource and guide for the evolving technical and intellectual challenges of AI Leading figures in the field bring to life the ethical issues associated with AI through in-depth analysis and case studies in this comprehensive examination.

    Preis: 39.58 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Detecting Accounting Fraud: Analysis and Ethics, Global Edition
    Detecting Accounting Fraud: Analysis and Ethics, Global Edition

    For courses in Accounting Fraud, Forensic Accounting, Financial Statement Fraud, Financial Statement Analysis, Ethics for Accountants, and Auditing. Over the last two decades, financial statement fraud has become an increasingly serious issue, resulting in the collapse of ostensibly solid companies and a subsequent lack of confidence in financial markets. Detecting Accounting Fraud: Analysis and Ethics was created in response to the challenges facing accountants in this era. The text provides students a thorough overview of the most frequently used methods of overstating earnings and assets or understating debt in financial statements. It also provides detailed coverage of the main signals indicating possible fictitious reporting in financial statements to help students learn what to look for. And because breakdowns in ethics underlie accounting fraud, the text presents three major theories of ethics, plus applicable ethical decision-making models as well as opportunities for students to apply ethical models to real-world situations. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Digital Business and E-commerce
    Digital Business and E-commerce

    Understand the crucial aspects of digital business and e-commerce with this best-selling text. Digital Business and E-Commerce Management, 8th edition, develops your knowledge and skills in digital technology, media and data to help you thrive in an increasingly harsh and competitive environment. Engaging and informative, this industry-leading text helps you understand the strategies and tactics that organisations use to optimise internal processes through digital channels for marketing and supply purposes. Key features include: updated content with the latest information on AI and a focus on digital business  up-to-date information to support your learning around digital transformation New diagrams and business models to develop your understanding of business concepts and customer user journeys reader-frienly and accessible writing style  With a further host of features to enhance your learning experience, you will come to see why this is a bestselling text.

    Preis: 54.25 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Welche Vorteile bietet E-Mail-Hosting im Vergleich zur Verwendung von kostenlosen E-Mail-Diensten?

    E-Mail-Hosting bietet eine individuelle Domain, die professioneller wirkt. Es ermöglicht eine bessere Kontrolle über Sicherheit und Datenschutz. Zudem bietet es in der Regel mehr Speicherplatz und Funktionen für geschäftliche Anforderungen.

  • Was ist ein Kaufmann im E-Commerce?

    Ein Kaufmann im E-Commerce ist eine Person, die im Online-Handel tätig ist und Produkte oder Dienstleistungen über das Internet verkauft. Er ist verantwortlich für die Auswahl der Produkte, die Gestaltung des Online-Shops, die Abwicklung der Bestellungen und den Kundenservice. Der Kaufmann im E-Commerce muss sich mit den Besonderheiten des Online-Marktes auskennen und digitale Marketingstrategien einsetzen, um den Umsatz zu steigern.

  • Wie können Plugins die Benutzererfahrung auf Websites verbessern und welche verschiedenen Arten von Plugins gibt es in Bezug auf Webdesign, E-Commerce und Content-Management-Systeme?

    Plugins können die Benutzererfahrung auf Websites verbessern, indem sie zusätzliche Funktionen und Features hinzufügen, die die Interaktivität und das Design verbessern. Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Plugins, die speziell für Webdesign, E-Commerce und Content-Management-Systeme entwickelt wurden. Beispiele für Webdesign-Plugins sind solche, die die Gestaltung und Anpassung von Websites erleichtern, wie z.B. Drag-and-Drop-Builder oder Galerie-Plugins. E-Commerce-Plugins bieten Funktionen wie Warenkorb-Management, Zahlungsabwicklung und Produktlisten. Content-Management-System-Plugins ermöglichen die Verwaltung von Inhalten, SEO-Optimierung und die Integration von sozialen Medien.

  • Was macht man als Kaufmann im E Commerce?

    Was macht man als Kaufmann im E-Commerce? Als Kaufmann im E-Commerce ist man für die Planung, Umsetzung und Optimierung von Online-Verkaufsstrategien zuständig. Man kümmert sich um die Auswahl und Präsentation von Produkten, die Preisgestaltung, die Kundenkommunikation und den Kundenservice. Zudem gehört die Analyse von Verkaufsdaten und die Entwicklung von Marketingmaßnahmen zu den Aufgaben eines Kaufmanns im E-Commerce. Man arbeitet eng mit anderen Abteilungen wie dem Marketing, dem Einkauf und der Logistik zusammen, um den Online-Verkaufserfolg zu steigern.

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